A motorcyclist unfortunate enough to be in an bad motorcycle accident needs to quickly complete a long list of actions, including giving the police a report, seeing a physician, taking their motorcycle to repair shop, calling the insurance agent, and finding a credible a motorcycle accident lawyer. Being in the hospital can make this inconvenient, especially if you're injured and incapacitated.
Here is a litmus test for finding that credible lawyer. Ask a perspective attorney what they plan on doing first. An experienced motorcycle attorney should do the following:
1) Ensure the insurance agent pays attention to the motorcycle damage claim. Insurance agents have many claims, but the mere presence of a lawyer, makes the agent focus on your claim.
2) Get the suit filed quickly. This puts pressure on the insurance company to pay, it also minimizes the chances that defendant will skip town.
3) Categorize the medical records. There are at least seven categories of fractures, and the long term costs vary with each. Getting this categorized medical information to the claims person could greatly change the payout.
After an accident, a lot of motorcycle riders wonder if they need a lawyer, what kind of lawyer to get, and what a lawyer can do that they can't do for themselves. A lawyer who knows how to handle motorcycle accidents can help you get a fast and fair settlement following a motorcycle accident. Plus, a good motorcycle accident lawyer will help you administer your paper work to the insurance company, get your law suit filed quickly so the insurance company will pay your expenses, and help you work with your healthcare provider so you can get back on your bike and ride again.
4) Hire a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer. You need a lawyer who knows motorcycle accidents to get a fast and fair settlement following a motorcycle accident.By Michael Padway
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